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«European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology» (Европейский журнал молекулярной биотехнологии) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1332

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) June 15, 2014

1. Ignat Ignatov, Oleg Mosin, Borislav Velikov, Enrico Bauer, Georg Tyminski
Mountain Water as Main Longevity Factor in Research of Phenomenon of Longevity in Mountain Areas of Bulgaria

European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, 2014, Vol.(4), № 2, pp. 52-71
DOI: 10.13187/ejmb.2014.4.52CrossRef

In this paper are submitted data on longevity factors and mountain water in factorial research of phenomenon of longevity in mountainious and field areas of Bulgaria. The dependence was established among various internal and external factors on a phenomenon of longevity – residence area, health status, gender and heredity. It was shown that water is among the most important factors for longevity. Natural waters derived from various Bulgarian water springs were investigated by non-equilibrium energy (NES) and differential non-equilibrium energy spectrum of water (DNES) method. The biological effects of water with varrying content of deuterium are also discussed. It was shown, that the increased content of deuterium leads to physiological, morphological and cytology alterations of the cell, and also renders negative influence on cellular metabolism, while deuterium depleted water with reduced deuterium content on 20–30 % has beneficial effects on health. By using IR-spectroscopy were investigated various samples of water with varying contents of deuterium, received from Bulgarian water springs and blood serum of cancer patients as well. As estimation factor was measured the values of the average energy of hydrogen bonds (∆EH...O) among H2O molecules, as well as local maxima in the IR-spectra of various samples of water and human blood serum at -0,1387 eV and wavelength 8,95 μm. For a group of people in critical condition of life and patients with malignant tumors the greatest values of local maxima in IR-spectra are shifted to lower energies relative to the control group. This testifies to the structural changes of water. The obtained results testify to necessity of consumption of clean natural water which quality satisfies mountain water from Bulgarian water springs.

URL: http://ejournal8.com/journals_n/1408289920.pdf
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2. Oleg Mosin, Ignat Ignatov
Basic Concepts of Magnetic Water Treatment

European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, 2014, Vol.(4), № 2, pp. 72-85
DOI: 10.13187/ejmb.2014.4.72CrossRef

This review article outlines an overview of new trends and modern approaches for practical implementation of magnetic water treatment to eliminate scaling salts (carbonate, chloride and sulfate salts of Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+ cations) in power heat-exchanger devices and pipe lines. The principles of physical effects of the magnetic field on H2O molecules as well as the parameters of physico-chemical processes occurring in water and the behavior of the dissolved in water scaling salts subjected to the magnetic treatment are discussed. It is demonstrated that the effect of the magnetic field on water is a complex multifactorial phenomenon resulted in changes of the structure of hydrated ions as well as the physico-chemical properties and behavior of dissolved inorganic salts, changes in the rate of electrochemical coagulation and aggregate stability (clumping and consolidation), formation of multiple nucleation sites on the particles of fine dispersed precipitate consisting of crystals of substantially uniform size. There are also submitted data on constructive features of various magnetic water treatment devices produced by domestic industry, based on the permanent magnets and electromagnets (solenoids), such as hydro magnetic systems (HMS), magnetic transducers (MT) and magnetic activators (MA) of water. It was estimated the efficiency of using the various magnetic water treatment devices in water treatment technologies.

URL: http://ejournal8.com/journals_n/1408289997.pdf
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3. Alexander A. Shiroky, Alexander V. Volkov, Valery V. Novochadov
Crucial Processes' Interaction During the Renewal of Articular Cartilage: the Mathematical Modeling

European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, 2014, Vol.(4), № 2, pp. 86-94
DOI: 10.13187/ejmb.2014.4.86CrossRef

The article is an attempt to explain the renewal of the articular cartilage in normalcy and osteoarthritis development by principles of mathematical modeling. Such models help to develop advanced methods of prevention, detection and treatment of osteoarthritis including molecular biotechnologies based on tissue engineering conception. We used histological images to perform structural analysis to discover the signs of active system and its states. Received data are useful to develop research protocols in cartilage tissue engineering.

URL: http://ejournal8.com/journals_n/1408290076.pdf
Number of views: 2691      Download in PDF

4. Ramesh Singh Yadav, Swati Tyagi, Shaily Javeria, Raveesh Kumar Gangwar
Effect of Different Cultural Condition on the Growth of Fusarium moniliforme Causing Bakanae Disease

European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, 2014, Vol.(4), № 2, pp. 95-100
DOI: 10.13187/ejmb.2014.4.95CrossRef

In this study, Fusarium moniliforme causal organism of Bakanae disease has been isolated from infected rice seeds variety Pusa Basmati-1121 by using blotter technique. The effects of temperature, pH and carbon source on radial growth rate were assessed on potato dextrose broth medium. Precise characterisation of the growth conditions for such a fungal pathogen has an evident interest to understand and to prevent spoilage of rice crops. Study was carried out to check the effect of temperature (15–50 °C), pH (2-10), and different carbon sources (glucose, dextrose, sucrose, rice husk and sugarcane bagasse) on the growth Fusarium moliniforme. Optimum temperature and pH for growth was 20 °C and 5.0 with maximum dry mycelium weight and sporulation i.e. 2.168 gm 1.806 million spores / 100ml respectively. Maximum growth was observed when rice husk was used as sole carbon source (2.432 gm and 1.68 million spore/ 100 ml) however maximum sporulation (0.984 million spore/ 100 ml) was achieved when sugarcane bagasse was used as sole carbon source.

URL: http://ejournal8.com/journals_n/1408290167.pdf
Number of views: 3163      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal8.com/journals_n/1408290195.pdf
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