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«European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology» (Европейский журнал молекулярной биотехнологии) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1332

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

Рейтинг статей журнала

АвторНазвание статьиГод, номерКоличество скачиваний
1Oleg Mosin[Russia], Ignat Ignatov[Bulgaria]Basic Concepts of Magnetic Water Treatment2014, June4708
2Firas Rashad Al-Samarai[Iraq], Abdulkareem A. Al-Kazaz[Iraq]Molecular Markers: an Introduction and Applications2015, September4434
3Ignat Ignatov[Bulgaria], Oleg Mosin[Russia], Borislav Velikov[Bulgaria], Enrico Bauer[Switzerland], Georg Tyminski[Germany]Mountain Water as Main Longevity Factor in Research of Phenomenon of Longevity in Mountain Areas of Bulgaria2014, June3386
4Swati Tyagi[India], Ramesh Singh[India], Shaily Javeria[India]Effect of Climate Change on Plant-Microbe Interaction: An Overview2014, September3288
5Ramesh Singh Yadav[India], Swati Tyagi[India], Shaily Javeria[India], Raveesh Kumar Gangwar[India]Effect of Different Cultural Condition on the Growth of Fusarium moniliforme Causing Bakanae Disease2014, June3166
6Georgi Gluhchev[Bulgaria], Ignat Ignatov[Bulgaria], Stoil Karadzhov[Bulgaria], Georgi Miloshev[Bulgaria], Nikolay Ivanov[Bulgaria], Oleg Mosin[Russia]Electrochemically Activited Water: Biophysical and Biological Effects of Anolyte and Catholyte Types of Water2015, March3129
7Sajedeh Saeedfar[Iran], Marzieh Negahban[Iran], Mohammad Mahmoodi Soorestani[Iran]The Effect of Drought Stress on the Essential Oil Content and Some of the Biochemical Characteristics of Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum [Pursh] Kuntze)2015, June3087
8Khadidja Bouzid[Algeria], Fouzia Toumi Benali[Algeria], Rabah Chadli[Algeria], Mohamed Bouzouina[Algeria], Aman Bouzid[Algeria], Amal Benchohra[Algeria], Mustapha Mahmoud Dif[Algeria]Extraction, Identification and Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Flavonoids From Fruit Extracts of Arbutus unedo L from Tiaret Area (Western Algeria)2014, December3020
9Oleg Mosin[Russia], Ignat Ignatov[Bulgaria], Dmitry Skladnev[Russia], Vitaly Shvets[Russia]Use of Gram-positive Chemoheterotrophic Bacterium Basillus subtilis В-3157 with HMP-cycle of Carbon Assimilation for Microbiological Synthesis of [2H]riboxine with High Level of Deuterium Enrichment2013, December2976
10Nurshat M. Gaifullin[Russia], Alexey V. Bachurin[Russia]Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 Stimulates the Remodeling Chitosan-Based Porous Scaffold Into Hyaline-like Cartilage: Study in Heterotopic Implantation2013, September2913

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